Brigid's Characters
Name: Airman Reid Quiñones
Age: 29
Faceclaim: Manny Jacinto
Pronouns: He / him
Reid grew up in a domed farming community, part of a large family of farmers. He was the oldest of five children, and he was always surrounded by grandparents and cousins. He loved his little life, though he did occasionally dream of going out into the world and doing greater things. His family was full of offbeat freethinkers and when they homeschooled Reid, they taught him to always think for himself, to question everything, and to never, ever let injustice slide. He loved his family, and if it was up to him, he would have never left their farm.
But the farming life wasn't always easy. His family had to give up most of the food they produced as rations, and when they had a bad year, they often didn't have much leftover for themselves. Reid learned the value of hard work on that farm, but no amount of diligence and optimism could alter nature's course.
After several particularly tough years, his parents began to encourage him to leave the farm in search of better opportunities, so that he could send money and food back to them. Reid was twenty-four, and he'd never left his little domed community. But he would do anything for his family, so he agreed.
Not long after leaving his family, Reid became an airman in the Flyin' Lions. He found a love for being in the air, and some days, he feels like he never wants his feet to touch the ground again. He truly believes he's helping people, ensuring they get their cargo and maintaining stability in the world. His fellow pilots might think him a little strange, as he's prone to rant about his beliefs that they should create a more equal society and make the floating cities open to everyone. But the important thing is that he's a hard worker, and he does his job well, so it doesn't matter too much if the others think he's a little crazy.
Reid is observant, down-to-earth, and witty. He's skilled at talking his way out of trouble, and even more skilled at not getting into trouble in the first place. He's self-confident and outgoing, lending a bit of natural charisma. He's a bit of a flirt, but he also knows when to get down to work. He's a strategic thinker, always planning one step ahead so that he doesn't get caught off-guard by sudden changes. He struggles with spontaneity and hates feeling like he isn't in control. He's very stubborn, and he can't stand when he doesn't get his way. He's rather intolerant of those who disagree with him. He can come off as arrogant and controlling, though it isn't obvious when first meeting him. He's disciplined and cares about doing the "right thing". He'll follow his moral code even when it hurts him or the people around him. He's a bit vain and very meticulous. Despite his occasionally prideful, self-centered attitude, he does care a lot for people, and he's friendly. He wants to help other people, but he wants to do it his way. He's hard-working and hands-on, and he's very loyal.
Name: Ruth Neuman
Age: 67
Faceclaim: Jessica Lange
Pronouns: She / her
Ruth was born in a small city in southern Indiana, the oldest of four children, all girls. Her father was a traveling salesman and, as such her family was constantly on the move. She never really felt at home anywhere they stayed, but she was glad that she had an opportunity to see the country. Her family always stuck together, too, so things could have been much worse. The only thing she did resent about her childhood was her family’s economic status. She knew from a young age that she was smarter and tougher than most, and she always believed she could do something great, if only she had access to the right opportunities. In fact, she believed she’d go on to do something great regardless, perhaps become an actress or write an award-winning novel. Unfortunately, she didn’t get the chance to test that theory.
She was seventeen years old and hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains with a group of friends when they encountered another group of hikers and heard the news. A couple weeks ago, mere days after they set off on their trip, a mysterious fog had rolled onto the shores of Florida, destroying everything in its path. Since then, it had made its way north, encroaching on southern Georgia - where her family was living at the time. It didn’t seem safe to descend from the mountains after they heard the news, so instead Ruth and her friends joined the other hikers to one of several encampments that was being set up in the peaks of the Appalachians. They later got news of bio-domes constructed across the country, but even if they knew where the nearest one was, they had no way of getting to it and no guarantee that they’d even be let in if they did. They were on their own.
For a while, they were forced to live off the land, almost totally isolated from the world. But it wasn’t too long before the encampment grew, people who had been forced from the bio-domes or people who had simply left willingly joining their little encampment. They brought food, materials, and - most importantly - they came in planes. Soon enough, they began seeing more planes too. Cargo planes, transporting resources between bio-domes right above their head. Ruth knew an opportunity when she saw it. She and others from the encampment banded together to shoot down planes and steal their cargo, forming their own little army of sorts. And it worked. The original encampment that Ruth lived in eventually fell apart, but she was already long gone by the time it had. She and a small group from the encampment took the planes they had and followed the most profitable air-freight routes, taking down plane after plane and getting rich off of the cargo they found. After decades of this, she became infamous as an air pirate, a title she quite liked. Although she’s now getting on in years, age hasn’t slowed her momentum in the slightest, and she’s happy to teach younger raiders her secrets, too, as long as they give her a generous cut of whatever they bring back.
Ruth is cold-hearted, driven, and shrewd. She’s very assertive, and she’s never afraid to speak her mind or give orders. She likes to be in control of the world around her, and she will seize that control however she can. She’s a natural leader who’s always had a clear vision of how her future should be. She’s power-hungry and won’t stop at anything to achieve her goals. She’s decisive and not afraid to make tough decisions. She’s productive, hard-working, and competent. She’s gregarious and charismatic, but she often uses her skills with people as a means to an end, easily discarding them when keeping them around no longer benefits her. She loves a challenge, and she’s excellent at thinking strategically. She’s relentless and unforgiving in pursuit of her goals, and her desires can often blind her to the rest of the world. She’s detached from her emotions and can be a little too logical at times, forgetting to take people’s feelings into account. She’s arrogant and impatient. Though she might seem completely morally bankrupt, she does genuinely believe that what she does is justified, and sees her less savory actions as a means to an end.